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 \ Maximum Wobble Outtakes and Extras

Maximum Wobble Outtakes and Extras

White hot outtakes and extra footage from the wild happenings in Puerto Vallarta from the Maximum Wobble Puerto Vallarta Part 1 DVD as seven sexy girls compete in a series of physical challenges south of the border to be crowned the new MAXIMUM WOBBLE girl. Enjoy more of the thrills of topless bungee jumping, shirts versus skins Basketball, nude volleyball, the bouncy obstacle course, and many more ways for them to show off both their nerves and their curves as they complete to be crowned MS. MAXIMUM WOBBLE. Enjoy more white hot footage of the girls behind the scenes action as they complete and play hard in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.? We follow the girls both during the competition and behind the scenes as they complete and play hard in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Director: Raiko Siems
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